How to handle the Counteroffer

🤔 Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve gone through the recruitment process, nailed the job interview and received an offer for your dream insurance position?

It’s an exciting moment and you’re ready to accept the offer and get the job…but then you get a counteroffer from the company you’re already working for. What do you do?

👉 Here’s a guide to handling counteroffers from insurance companies, so you can make sure you’re getting the best deal for you:

1️⃣ Take time to weigh up the pros and cons of your current job and the new job offer. Make sure you’ve considered all the factors, such as salary, job satisfaction and career progression. Reflect on the reasons why you chose to pursue a new opportunity in the first place. Are those reasons still valid and what’s changed apart from the counteroffer since then?

2️⃣ Think carefully before making a decision. Don’t be swayed by the counteroffer itself or the fact that you’ve already put in a lot of hard work at your current job. Quite honestly this could be the single most important decision you’ll make in your career – do you stick or twist? If you decide to stick with your current employer, what guarantee do you have that you still have a solid foundation beneath your feet?

3️⃣ Get advice from a trusted source. Ask a mentor or someone else who has gone through the same situation for advice. Ideally, speak with a Recruitment professional who has no vested interest either way for some impartial advice.

4️⃣ Be honest and transparent with the new company. Tell them that you’ve received a counteroffer and if you’ve decided to accept it, be kind in relaying that news. You don’t want to burn the boats with that conversation.

Ultimately, your decision should be based on what’s best for you and your career. Don’t let the counteroffer sway your judgement, there’s always a reason why you chose to explore something new in the first place.

InsuranceTalent #CounterOffers #JobSearch

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